Crazy jazz with the Karl Schwonik Quartet


Calgary’s Karl Schwonik Jazz Quartet played crazy jazz for an appreciative crowd of approximately 50 at the Slice, Jan. 20.
Dave Renter takes a solo with the Karl  Schwonik Quartet. Photo by Richard AmeryBlind drummer Karl Schwonik lead his  supremely tight band. Chris Andrew’s fingers were flying on the  keyboard as saxophonist Brent Mah blew sweet solos. They also hosted an afternoon workshop at the university.

Stand up bassist Kodi Hutchinson stood up for some mind bending solos of his own.Karl Schwonik takes a solo. Photo by Richard Amery Drummer Schwonik took a few of his own and stood up and politely introduced each number. The audience politely applauded after each solo as each band member stood back to watch each one.

As a special treat, local saxophonist Dave Renter joined  the band on stage for the last number of the first set. He sat back on watched Mah take a solo and all of the other band members, who returned the favour when he took centre stage. Then Mah and Renter took a couple blazing solos together  which the crowd applauded.

— By Richard Amery L.A. Beat editor
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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 27 January 2010 22:47 )