Napalmpom and Physical Copies rock out ’70s style at Electric Eye


  I was going to do the rounds of the Electric Eye on Friday, May 13, but due to my last night ruNapalmpom guitarists Craig Evans and Shawn Petsche play the SLice for Electric Eye, May 14. photo by Richard Amerynning the spotlight for Nunsense and still being a little burned out from the Wednesday night metal  show, I parked myself at the Slice for the night.

That was a good choice.
 I caught the end of local punk trio Advertisement’s set, but couldn’t see them. They had a psychedelic light show. But I could sure hear them.
  They were excellent and full of energy as usual. I went to the Owl Acoustic Lounge, but caught them in the middle of a  set change, so I went back to the Slice because I did not want to miss Calgary rockers Napalmpom. Their set got switched around  with Edmonton new wave band Physical Copies, who played the Electric Eye last year.

 After an introduction  from The Bridge’s 98.1 morning team Jay and Cor who admitted they originally thought they were playing Cage the Elephant when they first started playing Physical Copies, then thought the Talking Heads released a new song, Physical Copies took the stage to a multi-coloured visual backdrop.

 You could definitely see how you could mistake them for the Talking Heads as their weird electronic groove and inexhaustible energy drew a lot from the the Talking Heads in their brand of upbeat, weird synth pop. They welcomed Marlena Moore to add extra vocals for a couple of songs, who has her own set this afternoon at the Owl.

They had a sold out crowd on their feet cheering.
 The lead singer was out of breath mid set from  manically jumping around the stage so music and one of the guitarists sported brand new Spock ears.Physical Copies at the Slice for the Electric Eye, May 14. Photo by Richard Amery
“Yeah, we went to Vulcan today,” the singer shouted, pausing for a quick breath.
 They played hyperactive synth powered  ’80s style pop music though there were no keyboards on stage that I saw.
 The bassist had a synth sound to his instrument.

  They wound their set with a wicked cover of Weird Al Yankovic’s  “ Dare To Be Stupid,”   so that made them extra cool in my eyes.

I was waiting for one of my new favourite rock rock bans— Calgary’s Napalmpom. I cant say enough about Calgary rock band Napalmpom frontman PJ Lavergne , guitarists Craig Evans and Shawn Petsche and bassist Ian Baker -backed by drummer Matthew Bayliff who had a beat that went right to the groin.
They had a balls to the wall,  four on the floor attack of intensity and volume,  who sounded like the bastard child of AC DC and the Who with a touch of Public Animal. They were Fun with a capital F — pure unaltered, high octane rock and roll. They played the type of music you want to get piss drunk and kiss a pretty girl and then dance off all of the alcohol. They’ll put hair on your — chest.

One guitarist did his best Pete Townsend moves — windmills and all, rolled around the floor,  peeked his head in between mischievous imp-like singer PJ Lavergn and matched the other move for move.

 They played a couple of my favourites including “Watch it Burn.” They didn’t pay their awesome cover of Jr. Gone Wild’s “Cosmos” though.

And did I mention they were loud— they were loud. I was glad I remembered my earplugs and even if I’d forgotten them, I wouldn’t have minded the deafness.

 The Electric Eye Continues Saturday and Sunday.
 There are a few line up changes today.
Attainable Records will open for the late show at 12 and start with Durban Poison, SET TIMES START 1/2 Hour earlier for BLU SHORTS (now 12:45am) and POWER BUDDIES (now 1:30am).
RHYTHM OF CRUELTY will sadly NOT be performing at SAAG and ANZU will be featured in place.

Owl Acoustic Lounge 2:15 p.m. Birch Barks 3:15 The Garry’s  4:15 Marlena Moore $5Napalmpom singer PJ Lavergn at the slice for Electric Eye, May 14. Photo by Richard Amery
Owl Acoustic lounge— electric Eye 9 p.m. Crystal Eyes 10 p.m. Radiation Flowers 11 p.m. Betrayers $10
Club Didi —  Electric Eye Castrati: An Electro Drag Opera 10:15 Maude 11 p.m. Anzu $5
Attainable— Electric Eye 6:30 p.m. Terra, 7:30 p.m. Ruby Plumes $5 midnight Durban Poison 12:45 Blu shorts 1:30 a.m. Power Buddies $5
Attainable noon-7 Electric Eye art show
SAAG 2:45 Open Channels 3:45 Lying Light in the Quiet by donation 5 p.m. Electric Eye Fashion show $20
SAAG— Electric Eye 6 p.m. sleepkit 7 p.m. Melted Mirror 8 p.m. ANzu all ages $15
Slice— Electric Eye 9:30 Softess 10:30- Slates 11:30 Fist City 12:30 Freak heat waves $20
Plum —Electric Eye Millz Skillz 10:15

 —by Richard Amery, l.A. Beat Editor

Last Updated ( Sunday, 13 November 2016 11:24 )