Pop punk fun with Chixdiggit and Sophmore Jakes


Chixdiggit frontman K.T. Jansen. Photo by Richard AmeryAn almost  full house  relived their early ’90s pop-punk past, March 20 at Henotic as an almost full house was moshing to Fort Ryland Moranz of the Soph more jakes. Photo by Richard AmeryMacleod/ Lethbridge’s Sophmore Jakes.
 They had a strong Blink-182 influence, a lot of energy and an affable stage presence, which the crowd loved.

Calgary pop punk band Chixdiggit have been around forever. I remember covering them for the Meliorist when they were just starting out in the early ’90s. Lead singer/ guitarist K.T Jansen had an innate charisma and stage presence then, which he hasn’t lost. The band played with tight intensity and Jansen must have added ‘Lethbridge’ into  the lyrics of half the songs on the band’s setlist as he jumped around, did punk rock splits and asked the audience to  “Give it up for … (insert random noun here like Lethbridge, Chixdiggit, the drummer’s name, Henotic).

 He knew how to play the crowd and kept joking they were going to play ‘another song we don’t know.’ It sounded like they knew them and the crowd seemed to agree as they were singing along with almost all of them including ‘Spanish Fever,’ My Restaurant’ and “Chupacabras’ as well as ‘I Drove the Cochahalla.’

— By Richard Amery, L.A. Beat editor

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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 24 March 2010 11:21 )