Lots of fun to open November


Cure your Halloween hangover this week with a lot of good music.

Adequate make Halloween night a little more funky tonight at the Owl. Photo by Richard Amery
 Halloween itself, though happening on a Tuesday, featured two great shows including an Adequate Halloween at the Owl Acoustic Lounge featuring local funk rock trio Adequate, plus a karaoke/jam night at the Slice, with Dustin Harder at the Slice.
But the rest of the week is pretty eclectic.

 Barney Bentall brings back the Cariboo Express Tour back to the Southminster United Church for the Geomatic Attic, Nov. 1. The  show is a special fundraiser for Youth One and features an all star cast of characters and songwriters including host Barney Bentall, who had several hits in the ’90s including “Live Could be worse” and “Something to Live For,” and his co-host Matt Masters. Also on the bill are Bentall’s son Dustin, Ridley Bent and Lethbridge’s own Leeroy Stagger to name a few. Wild Honey opens the set featuring one of Barney Bentall’s daughters. Tickets are $42.50.

Also on Wednesday, Nov. 1, guitar whiz Adrian Nation performs at the Slice. Tickets are $10.

The Slice has an eclectic show on Nov. 3 with a bit of jazz, a touch of indie rock and  a smattering of folk with several bands performing including local jazz rock band the Groove Apostles, Winnipeg based psychedelic jazz group Apollo Suns, Saskatoon folk/ country band Gunner and Smith and Calgary indie rock band Windigo.

The Slice has something special planned for fans of the Tragically Hip’s Gord Downie who passed away two weeks ago.
 Local musician Bruce Roome is hosting a special Gord Downie Tribute night, Nov. 4.

 For something completely different, the University of Lethbridge opera workshop features light:dark at the University of Lethbridge recital hall.

It will include two short operas including the sea-borne tragedy Riders to the Sea by Ralph Vaugh Williams, and a lighthearted romp Ten Belles and No Ring by Frantz von Suppe. The concert begins at 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 3 and 4. Tickets are $20 regular, $15 for seniors and alumni and $12 for students.
 If you are in the mood for some blues with a whole lot of rock, party with Coda at Casino Lethbridge, Nov 3 and 4.

 And the Steve Keenan band play the Owl Acoustic lounge, Saturday, Nov. 4 as well.

By Richard Amery, L.A. Beat Editor
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 01 November 2017 10:42 )