MOONRiiVR and Peter Dreams lay down dreamy soundscapes for Geomatic Attic


The Geomatic Attic  began a busy couple months by bringing in Toronto  roots rock supergroup MOONRiivR and Peter Dreams aka July Talk’s Peter Dreimanis to play for a packed house, Friday, Feb. 16.

MOONRiiVR, featuring core members multi-instrumentalists, frontman Gavin Gardiner and Champagne James Robertson plus a hot rhythm section of bassist Jenni Roberts and drummer Stefan Schneider, who were also backing Peter Dreams.

Peter Dreams and Gavin Gardiner playing the Geomatic Attic, Feb. 16. Photo by Richard Amery

MOONRiivR played an eclectic and mellow set of indie rock music with smatterings of alternative country and a touch of Portishead.

Gavin Gardiner playing keyboards, adding extra percussion with a triangle for the first song he crooned.

 Their next song had a Caribbean/ calypso feel.

  He crooned his way through a laid back set   of calming music  and layers of different sounds.

 Robertson played guitar and ukulele, adding tasteful solos and noise when necessary.

Gardiner gave the band a break and  noted he and Champagne James  Robertson were experimenting with  drum machines and played a couple brand new songs featuring them.

 They wound up the set on an upbeat note with  a new song“ You Get By.”

 While they have a new record out, most of their set was brand new music that hasn’t been released.

Champagne James Robertson playing ukulele with MOONRiiVR, Feb. 16. Photo by Richard Amery


After a brief break, Gardiner relocated his  keyboards to the back of the stage Peter Dreams, hunched onto stage clutching a bottle of wine  which he placed next  to the drums and proceeded to  tear the roof off the place with an intense set.

The Edmonton born/ Toronto based  musician apologized for the fact that  his band July Talk hasn’t played Lethbridge for a couple years and observed he had relatives in the audience.

 This set was poetic, His voice  had elements of Nick Cave, Tom Waits and Leonard Cohen and covered a range of emotions ranging from  depressed  and intense vulnerability to  rage as he  added a few July Talk songs including “ Summer Dress.”

 He joined Gardiner on keyboards, early in the set, picked up a guitar later, and wandered to the end of the stage to get the crowd to sing along with some of the July Talk songs.

 He  sang abut depression, one of his friends who died too young and  laid his soul bare a s he mourned his sister‘s miscarriage, he cracked a smile and said that he was sleep deprived as a new parent.

“Is That Just Me,”  and“ Time To Go” were highlight.  He thanked  Gavin Gardiner and James Robertson for helping record his solo record, noting they made him feel so comfortable in the studio that he couldn’t have done it without them.

 The band took a quick break as he played a couple brand new songs, playing Gardiner’s keyboards.

 Another highlight was an older song about living by the river in Edmonton, which he wrote just before moving to Toronto.

He was called back for an encore for which he played July Talk’s “The Garden” solo on guitar

— By Richard Amery, L.A.Beat Editor

Last Updated ( Wednesday, 21 February 2024 18:45 )