Irish Descendants bring the Irish out

The Irish Descendants provided the soundtrack for a party. Photo by Richard Amery

Everybody at Average Joes went Irish for  the Irish Descendants and to celebrate Alexander Keith’s birthday.

 I was glad the return of the Irish Descendants at  Average Joes started early, at 8:30 p.m, Oct. 5.


 Average Joes was full of green antler adorned  Newfoundlanders and people who wished they were Newfoundlanders, all of them were celebrating Alexander Keith’s birthday by drinking his special brew.


I arrived in the middle of a beautiful four man a cappella version of Stan Rogers’ Celtic classic  Barret’s Privateers.

For a special treat, former Rawlins Cross member David Panting  joined the Descendants on stage to play everything from bouzouki to banjo  and a little guitar with Duncan Cameron and frontman Con O Brien.



 Cameron showed his prowess on a number of instruments, but especially the fiddle and even sang  lead for  a couple numbers in the first set including a standout which I think was “Mickey Relligan’s Pup.”


The Irish Descendants played an array of sea shanties, drinking songs, and songs about pirates plus a lot of traditional Celtic music.


 Then ended with a  song about  the night  “Pat Murphy Died” and took a break.

— By Richard Amery, L.A. Beat Editor

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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 13 October 2010 16:25 )