The Dick Show explores male nudes at the Potemkin Gallery


You can have a lot of fun with penis puns, the book of them grows bigger and bigger.Leila Armstrong looks at Dick Gillis. Photo by Richard Amery
 However, that is not the point of the Dick show, the new exhibition opening at the Potemkin Gallery (411 3rd Ave South), Jun 29 at 7 p.m.
 As expected the Dick Show is exactly what it sounds like —an art exhibit based on the male nude. So it is not an exhibit for the easily offended and faint of heart.

“ I always  felt that I’ve been seeing too many exhibits based on female nudes and as a lesbian, that’s really saying something,” said curator Leila Armstrong, who approached the Potemkin Collective with the idea, who quickly jumped on board. Interest in the Dick Show grew quickly as she attracted 23 artists, mostly from Lethbridge but a couple from as far away as Halifax and Montreal. They contributed about 30 bits and pieces for the show.
 Some of the larger pieces slap the viewer right in the face, others are smaller and more subtle like Montreal artist Victoria Hellwig’s painting of a deer which has antlers shaped like male genitalia.

 Len Komenac has a couple works in the exhibit featuring his comic book style superheros, while Rick Gillis’ large piece is also among the weirdest. Aaron Hagan, instead of directly  exploring the subject, decided to do a portrait of Gillis and called it “Dick Gillis.”

 While some of the artists took the subject to heart, creating serious pieces, others reached out for the humourous angle.

“In 2012 a museum in Austria did two exhibits dedicated to exploring male nudes, so we thought  the  time was now to do an exhibit like this,” Armstrong said adding while female nude exhibits are almost commonplace, exhibits focussing on male nudes are still considered a little taboo.

 While an exhibit like this seems a little risque for Lethbridge, Armstrong said that isn’t the intention.

“ Male nudes are seen as a little more threatening than female nudes. If you approach it in a humourous way, it is easier to do it,” she said adding male nudes have e a preconceived notion of obscene, even of there is no overt sexuality in the works.

“We just wanted to create a dialogue in the community about how male nudes are represented in our culture,” she said adding she was pleased the Potemkin Collective was supportive of the idea.

“ I want to  do an exhibit of  kittens in cardigans and call it the Pussy show,” Armstrong laughed.
 The opening reception for the Dick Show is 7:30-9:30 p.m., June 29 in the Potemkin Gallery. The exhibit stays up until Aug. 10. The Potemkin Gallery is open Saturdays from 1-4 p.m.

— By Richard Amery, L.A. Beat Editor