Girls, Girls, Girls get a little weird, weird, weird


London, England’s  Girls, Girls, Girls don’t have anything to do with the Motley Crue song of the same name, but they  have tapped into their inner Dickies on their new CD “Hello Sailor.’ Click here to hear Girls, Girls, Girls

But think of the new Girls, Girls, Girls CD as the Clash with a horn section and  weird keyboards playing a drunken klezmer party.

 You can tell from the creepy organ intro that is reminiscent of  the Dickies’ “Killer Klowns.” There is also a lot  of the Dickies in the adenoidal vocals of  guitarist Jeremy Williams.

But they also combine a variety of other modern rock influences, plus a smattering of Plaid Tongued Devils crazy klezmer music as well as a touch of  old school Kinks.

 They’ve taken a pretty strong right hand turn away from the more catchy, upbeat Brit rock pop of ther previous CD “Songs For Grilly,” so the new music is a little weirder and almost more exotic, while adding some old school Clash influences.
 But it is catchy and there is a lot of musical interpaly between vocalist/guitarist/pianist/organist/ accordionist Jeremy Williams, bassist/vocalist/guitarist/ noisemaker Adrian Martineau and drummer Gábor Mihalics, which makes “Hello Sailor ” a fascinating, dark and sometimes disturbing listen.

— By Richard Amery, L.A. Beat Editor

CD: Hello Sailor
Band: Girls, Girls, Girls
Genre: rock/ punk
Record label: Exlibris  Records

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