Fleet fingered fiddle makes Magnificent 7s sound marvelous


I was looking forward to seeing the Magnificent 7s back in Lethbridge, April 7. I arrived at the tail end of their first set, The Magnificent 7s tore up the Slice, April 7. Photo by Richard Amerybut unfortunately missed opening act Clapping Monkeys.

However the Magnificent 7’s brought a fiddle player along for an upbeat bluegrass/ rock infused ride, who really enhances the sound.

They deserved a bigger crowd than the 20-30 in attendance, but gave it their all with sizzling banjo licks, superb vocal harmonies, some wicked fiddle and a lot more.


 While the sound left something to be desired in the first set, they pulled it together and then some in the second. There was a variety of original songs mixed in with bluegrass standards and fantastic interplay between all of the instruments.
— by Richard Amery, L.A. Beat Editor
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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 13 April 2011 10:37 )