Gordie Tentrees pulls out all the stops and northern humour


Yukon based singer-songwriter Gordie Tentrees returned to Lethbridge, Aug. 31 to play the Slice with a full band.Gordie Tentrees brought his full band to Lethbridge. Photo by Richard Amery

 Usually Tentrees holds his own and then some with just an acoustic guitar and his lead guitarist as a more laid back trio.

This time he was there to rock. And while he doesn’t have the best voice in the world, he draws a lot from the well of Fred Eaglesmith,  as his set was punctuated by a capable cover of Eaglesmith’s “ I Like Trains.”

He told twisted stories about “killing a bunch of people” and having to move up north as a result  and played upbeat blues and country music. He had a great crowd enraptured by them and his music and his strong band killed it.

 He joked about having “ no friends,” but  I’m sure he made a few after the first set, most of whom were dancing by the end of it.
 Most of his songs were prefaced by stories about things like Dawson City’s colourful history and elderly couples and a toast that “either start fights or inspires weddings.”

 While he is no Fred Eaglesmith he can sure play some impressive blues on the guitar.

 — By Richard Amery, L.A. Beat Editor
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