Cuff the Duke harmonize beautifully


If you like country rock music along the lines of Blue Rodeo and Wilco, then you would have enjoyed Cuff the Duke at the Slice, Oct. 26 with special guests, the Hooded Fang.

 I arrived near the end of  the Hooded Fang’s set of reggae tinged rock. They had a touch of funk and a lot of catchy keyboards.
 Cuff the Duke were a lot of fun as a few Cuff the Duke  adding a few keyboards. Photo by Richard Amerybars of the “Good, the Bad and the Ugly,” theme played over the speakers, to bring the band to the stage.

 There was a lot of Blue Rodeo meets Wilco influence in their music, while the gorgeous vocal harmonies were reminiscent of Everley Brothers style ’60s pop.

 They worked through most of their latest CD “Morning Comes”  including highlights “You Don’t Know What It’s Like,” and “Standing On The Edge,” as well as some favourites from the past, which a good sized crowd of about 70 really responded too.
The vocal harmonies were stunning and they even threw in some multi- guitar leads, which is always great to here.

— By Richard Amery, L.A. Beat Editor
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Last Updated ( Thursday, 03 November 2011 10:25 )