Nix Dicksons and Behind Sapphire keep the energy crackling


The Nix Dicksons started the party on an upbeat note. Photo by Richard AmeryThe show of the night was at the Slice with Behind Sapphire and Calgary’s Nix Dicksons, Dec. 9
 Nix Dicksons, featuring Taber’s Tanner Holthe on lead guitar and vocals, killed  it with a hyperactive set of fun, upbeat, riff driven Weezerish guitar rock.

 They had the crowd  singing along with favourites like “Heavy Metal Parking Lot ” which Holthe said was about drinking and doing drugs in the Taber Civic centre parking lot.
 He dedicated a couple songs to his mom who was in the audience.

 They wound down their set with another sing along “All Girls Want.” which Holth started on his own, before the band rejoined him on stage.

 Behind Sapphire definitely picked up the tempo, playing an inspired set of upbeat synth and Behind Sapphire’s Grant Cassell having fun with a trumpet. Photo by Richard Ameryguitar driven pop rock featuring a few excellent vocal harmonies.  They had the crowd into it, dancing in front of the stage throughout their hh incendiary set.

The band members leaped all over the stage and the lead singer Grant Cassell brought out the trumpet, singing through the wrong end of it and creating unusual sounds.

— By Richard Amery, L.A. Beat Editor
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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 14 December 2011 13:04 )