Stars from Streetlights release CDs with Matthew Robinson and Jordon Ostrom

Three local musicians released Cds, March 23 at the Slice for a full house.Stars From Streetlights playing their CD release show. Photo by Richard Amery
 While I missed Jordan Orstrom, I caught the end of another solid solo set from Matthew Robinson, who was taking things easy, playing much of the music from his brand new CD. He ended on a mellower note sounding similar to Neil Young’s mellower moments.

 I’d never seen Lethbridge band Stars From Streetlights before, though everyone was there to see the band who include Steve Birss (Rhodes, piano, loops, synth, bass, guitar),  bassist Ray Banman and Austrian Graf on vocals as everyone was filming the show.
 They played a laid back, emo tinged set of pop music with electronica beats. They started with a mournful keyboard powered song backed by a rattling drum track and ethereal vocals along the lines of many Vancouver based indie-rock bands like Said the Whale and Hey Ocean mixed with a little disco tinged ’80s new wave bands like Blondie.
 Austrian Graf showed an impressively hypnotic voice and there was some cool bass groove happening.
— By Richard Amery, L.A. Beat Editor
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Last Updated ( Monday, 10 September 2012 12:02 )