So You Want to Be a Singer? Warm up your voice


This week I am inviting all of you singers to send in your questions about an

ything you need to know. Whether it pertains to your voice, something that isn't working for you, advice on how to get started in the music industry, tips on song choices for sets, Whatever it may be, drop me a line. I will answer your questions in next week's issue of LA Beat.

In the meantime, a lot of singers  wonder why vocal warm ups are necessary. Let me put it to you this way. If you were to run a marathon, would you stretch first? If you were to perform at a dance recital, would you do a full body warm up first? Of course you would.

Singing is a very physically, mentally and spiritually demanding activity. It requires stamina. In the industry, it's known as vocal endurance. So why wouldn't vocal warm ups be necessary before training, an audition, a performance or an adjudication?  

So if you don't know how to play an instrument to tune your voice to, no problem. There are several a capella (without musical accompaniment) exercises that you can do, along with your daily breathing exercises.

A good vocal warm up should be at least 10 minutes long. Singing in the car is just not enough, sorry to say. There are several good warm ups on YouTube  (and several bad ones), so maybe gravitate towards what a favourite artist does.


I teach warm ups that my mentor passed along to me which he has used with recording artists Martina McBride, LeAnne Rimes, Kelly Clarkson and other highly successful professionals. They all do warm ups, trust me — some more hard core than others. For example, Usher, Beyonce and Pink ( just to name a few), box, dance and run on treadmills and sing to warm up their voices and bodies and gain vocal endurance for their live performances. I'll get to that next time...
Until then, send in those questions to me at LA Beat!
 To ask questions email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Andrea Ceron

—By Andrea Ceron, Special to L.A Beat

Last Updated ( Saturday, 09 November 2013 12:09 )