Fourth Wave Freaks feature alternative entertainment and drag


It was the end of an era, June 5 at the Slice as The Fourth Wave Freaks alternative lifestyles zine went out in style for their tenth edition which they released over the past three years.Sophie Wright performs for Fourth Wave Freaks, June 5. Photo by Richard Amery

 There were  a lot of costumes  sported by people expressing their love for John Waters’ cult films like “Hairspray”  and “Pink Flamingos” by dressing as some of his characters.

There was a lot of costumes, guys in drag, women with nothing but tape holding up their breasts and a lot of weird music.

 In addition to drag performances by Sophie Wright I caught was a new local synth pop band called the Married Men, which featured Brenna Lowrie singing spooky vocals and drummer Clayton Smith.

— By Richard Amery, L.A. Beat Editor
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 17 June 2015 00:03 )